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Jeju export products


세안용 크린싱 타올/Facing cleansing towel


Well-Being Bio is a company specializing in manufacturing three types of shower towels with patented manufacturing technology using clean Jeju eco-friendly raw materials such as cypress and tangerine peel, herbal shower soap, and volcanic stone cluster soap. Each product has a shelf life of 5 years.

  • 주소제주특별자치도 제주시 관덕로15길 23 306호
  • 연락처 010-4940-9733
  • Emailhjunku49@naver.com
  • Homepage


아이시스 세안용 크린싱 타올은 피부손상을 덜하게 하면서 노폐물과 피지제거를 하기 때문에 여드름 및 각질제거에 상당히 효과적입니다. 흔히들 화장은 하는 것 보다 지우는 것이 중요하다고 하는데, 아이시스타올은 화장 전후 사용시 크린징과 마사지의 효과로 인해 부드럽고 탄력 있는 얼굴 피부를 가꾸어 드립니다.

Isis Premium facing cleansing Towel removes skin waste and sebum while lessening the skin damage, the product is highly effective for the treatment of acne and removing keratin. It is often said that removing make-up from the face is more important than putting make-up on the face. Using Isis Premium Towel before and after face make-up will give the face the effect of cleansing and massage and give the skin a soft and vibrant touch for a long time.


Export Product Standard

Export Product Standard
(in kg)
Item Size(in mm) Packaging Box Size (in mm) CBM Packaging
width length height width length height
0.05 20 120 170   330 430 180 0.03 paper
