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Jeju export products


카카오 감귤칩 25g, 60g / CACAO MANDARIN CHIPS


Jeju One Food


Jeju One Food is a food manufacturer which produces food products from the farm products produced from the nature and people of Jeju.


We have been making our best effort to keep our promise to "Provide safe products to our consumers" by using clean agricultural products of Jeju for differentiation of taste and product quality improvement since our establishment in 2015.


We will continue to grow into a reliable food company through our strict quality management system, and consistent R&D to develop and produce products that our consumers can trust and consume.

  • 주소제주특별자치도 제주시 조천읍 남조로3길 112 제주원푸드
  • 연락처 010-2127-1014
  • Emailjjonefood2477@naver.com
  • Homepagehttp://www.jejuonefood.com/


과일을 말리면 수분이 줄어드는 만큼 단백질, 지방, 탄수화물, 무기질, 식이섬유 등의 영양소 함량 비율이 높아집니다.


상큼함 + 달콤쌉싸름함

카카오의 달콤쌉싸름한 풍미와 어우러지는 상큼한 감귤의 맛

바삭한 건조 감귤칩과 카카오의 콜라보레이션 스넥



When fruits are dried, moisture decreases but the nutrition content ratio for nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, and minerals increases just as much.


Fresh + Sweet and bitter

Fresh flavor of mandarine in harmony with the sweet bitterness of cacao

Collaboration snack of crisp dried mandarine chips and cacao


HACCP 인정서 / HACCP certificate

Export Product Standard

Export Product Standard
(in kg)
Item Size(in mm) Packaging Box Size (in mm) CBM Packaging
width length height width length height
0.06 330 190 30 12ea 340 390 320 0.042 20ea
