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Jeju export products


제주백도라지분말꿀차 240g / jeju white bellflower & honey powder tea 240g


Han-gui-rim JK White Balloon Flower Institute succeeded in cultivating the white balloon flower in a large area of 360m above sea level by separating it from ordinary balloon flower roots. And he was recognized as the best agricultural technology master in Korea for his passion and research on white balloon flower roots.

  • 주소제주특별자치도 제주시 조천읍 선흘리 1832-1 한기림JK백도라지연구소
  • 연락처 010-2691-9316
  • Emailadm1216@daum.net
  • Homepagehttp://baekdoraji.com/


- 제품명 : 제주백도라지분말꿀차 240g

- 재품 소개 : 백도라지는 동의보감에 감기, 기침, 복통, 설사, 분만 후 질환, 여성 질환, 편도선염, 과도한 산증 및 기타 질환을 치료하기 위해 한방에서 처방하는 사포닌이 호흡기 분비를 증가시키고, 가래를 제거하며, 인후염을 치료하는 데 효과적인 성분으로 알려져 왔습니다.

그러므로 보다 많은 사람들이 더 간편하게 백도라지를 접할 수 있도록 72% 백도라지 분말가루와 28% 야생화꿀을 혼합하여 마시기 좋은 상태로 만들어냈습니다. 그리고 백도라지에 대한 열정과 연구로 대한민국 최고농업기술명인으로 인정받았습니다.

-섭취 방법 : 성인용 찻숟가락 1-2개, 어린이용 찻숟가락 2/1-1개를 따뜻한 물에 타서 드세요. 1인당 10~15일 분량의 제품 함량입니다.

-유통기한 : 36개월

-보관방법 : 상온

-원산지 : 제주산

-원재료 : 백도라지

- Product name: jeju white balloon flower Powder 70 g
Introduction: white bellflower has been known to be an effective ingredient in treating cold, cough, stomachache, diarrhea, post-birth diseases, women's diseases, tonsillitis, excessive acidosis and other diseases, increasing respiratory secretion, removing phlegm, and sore throats.
Therefore, 72% white balloon flower powder and 28% wildflower honey are mixed to make it easier for more people to get access to white balloon flower roots. And he was recognized as the best agricultural technology master in Korea for his passion and research on white balloon flower roots.
-How to Eat: 1-2 tea spoons for adult, and 2/1-1 tea spoon for children taking on the spot, or digest as mixed with warm water for a tea flavor. the content of product enough for dose of 10~15 days per person.
-Expiration date: 36 months
-Storage method: Room temperature
-Country of origin: Jeju-made
-Raw Material: white balloon flower




IGC 식품안전경영시스템인증(인증기간 : 2021-02-08 ~ 2024-02-07)

IGC Food Safety Management System Certification (Certification Period: 2021-02-08 to 2024-07)

Export Product Standard

Export Product Standard
(in kg)
Item Size(in mm) Packaging Box Size (in mm) CBM Packaging
width length height width length height
0.51 68 68 110   70 70 128 0.001  
