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Jeju export products


제주인디 폴리인디고 모이스트 젤 크림 Jeju Indi Poly Indigo Moist Gel Cream


From the plants that we grew for ourselves in clean Jeju Island, we discovered the benefits of a nature that helped a skin. And, we have delivered the healthy beauty of a nature to you.

  • 주소제주특별자치도 서귀포시 성산읍 중산간동로 4150-30 제주인디
  • 연락처
  • Emailindi0701@daum.net
  • Homepagehttps://www.jejuindi.com/


제주인디 폴리인디고 모이스트 젤크림

용량 : 80g

제주의 따스한 햇살을 머금고 자란 푸른빛 쪽,

쪽잎 추출물의 진정, 보습작용으로 피부의 온도를 낮춰주고, 피부 속 수분을 보호하여 건조한 피부에 촉촉한 생기를 불어넣어 줍니다.

*피부보습 개선 임상시험 완료


Jeju Indi Poly Indigo Moist Gel Cream

Vol : 80g

Blue polyg indigo (Jeju herb) grow with the warm sunshine in Jeju Island. The calming and moisturizing effects of poly indigo leaf extract lower the temperature of skin and protect its moisture to make dry skin lively.

*The clinical trials for improving skin moisturization are completed.


CPNP(유럽인증) , NMPA (중국위생허가)

Export Product Standard

Export Product Standard
(in kg)
Item Size(in mm) Packaging Box Size (in mm) CBM Packaging
width length height width length height
0.25 70 70 64   368 368 148 0.020  
