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오메오메 만족세트 / omeome manjok set
Since its incorporation as Imam Co., Ltd. on May 18, 2020, Omegi rice cake, a local food of Jeju, has been created as a new ice premium dessert for all families of all ages based on its unique ideas and creativity under the brand name Omeomi.
Shinsegae Department Store, Armed Forces Welfare Foundation's online mall entry, SK Finx delivery, and About's nationwide store delivery have continued to increase sales, and Home & Shopping and Lotte Home Shopping have also successfully completed the launch.
It also entered Hong Kong's export in 2020 and Pindoo Online Mall, a global online mall in China, and completed the U.S. local market survey and nutrition analysis in 2021 and registered for FDA plants, on the verge of entering the U.S. market at the end of 2021.
제품명 : 오메오메 만족세트
제품소개 : 과일의 통과육과 우유크림이 가득 들어간 퓨전 오메기떡 입니다. 부드럽고 달콤한 우유크림과 쫀득한 찹쌀떡의 조화로움을 함께 느껴보세요.
12가지의 각각 다른 맛으로 골라먹는 재미에 먹을 때마다 다채로운 맛으로 새로움이 가득합니다.
원재료 : 찹쌀떡(국내산), 생크림(국내산), 유기농녹차가루(국내산), 레드키위(제주산), 크림치즈(프랑스산), 삶은팥(중국산),가당팥앙금(중국산),콩고물,고구마필링(인도네시아),밤다이스(중국산),한라봉에이드,키위퓨레,망고퓨레,복숭아퓨레,인스턴트커피,카스테라가루,요거트파우더,차조가루,젤라틴,냉동딸기,연유,딸기퓨레,설탕,크림치즈무스,가공치즈,땅콩분태,땅콩버터,망고다이스,커스터드믹스
포장 : 종이재/PET/PET
유통기한 : 제조일로부터 1년 (냉동보관)
Name of the product : omeome manjok set
product descriptions :
It's fusion omegi rice cake filled with fruit canned meat and milk cream.
Feel the harmony between soft and sweet milk cream and sticky rice cake.
It's fun to choose from 12 different flavors.
Every time I eat it, it's full of new flavors.
Raw ingredients: glutinous rice cake (domestic), fresh cream (domestic), organic green tea powder (domestic), red kiwi (Jeju), cream cheese (France), boiled red beans (Chinese), sweet red bean paste (Chinese), bean Powder, sweet potato peeling (Indonesia), chestnut dice (Chinese), hanrabong ade, Kiwi puree, mango puree, peach puree, instant coffee, castella powder, yogurt powder, chajo powder, gelatin, frozen strawberry, condensed milk, strawberry puree, sugar, cream cheese, processed cheese, peanut flour, peanut butter, mango dice, custard mix
Packing: Paper material/PET/PET
Expiration date: 1 year from the date of manufacture (freezed storage)
오메오메 감귤오메기, 오메오메 누드감귤 – JQ인증
Mandarin Omegi Mochi, Nude Mandarin Mochi - JQ
Unit (in kg) |
Item Size(in mm) | Packaging | Box Size (in mm) | CBM | Packaging | ||||
width | length | height | width | length | height | ||||
45g | 800mm | 800mm | 500mm | 2700mm | 2200mm | 1900mm |