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Jeju export products

Food & Beverage


해녀를 품은 제주 뿔소라밥 Murex multi-grain rice embracing Haenyeo


Manje Fishing Association Corporation is located at 
Gimnyeong harbor, which is known for its beautiful ports and 
pure ocean waters in World Heritage Jeju Island. The 
Association is a company specializing in marine product 
distribution, including silver cutlassfish and mackerel, as well 
as marine products harvested directly by haenyeos, such as 
conch, brown seaweeds and sea urchins.
Manje Fishing Association Corporation insists on fresh Jeju 
marine products only. Our goal is to minimize the distribution 
margin through direct sales with the customers. That’s how 
we can supply tasty Jeju marine products at prices lower than 
any other distributors. We take pride in that the fish and 
marine products are prepared carefully by Jeju haenyeos as 
the best in freshness and taste.
It is a great joy for the Manje Fishing Association Corporation 
to add flavors to your meal and support your health with our 
fresh marine products. Going forward, we promise that we shall do our best to supply fresh marine products from Jeju’s 
clean waters to the customers at the best prices.

  • 주소제주특별자치도 제주시 구좌읍 김녕로 135 만제
  • 연락처
  • Emailksj9990@hanmail.net
  • Homepagehttps://manje.modoo.at/


· 주요 특징 : 제주 해녀가 직접 건져 올린 자연산 뿔소라에 톳과 18가지 잡곡이 더해져서 간편하고 든든하게 먹을 수 있는 건강까지 생각한 밥입니다. 뿔소라는 타우린이 풍부해서 간장을 보호하고 피로 해소, 시력 회복에 좋으며 성인병 예방에도 도움이 됩니다. 제주 자연산 뿔소라가 4.73%, 톳이 9.27% 함유되어 있어서 뿔소라의 쫄깃한 식감과 톳 특유의 씹는 식감이 아주 좋습니다. 제주 자연산 뿔소라는 육지 소라와 비교해 질감이 좋고 맛의 깊이도 다릅니다. 참기름이나 들기름을 조금 첨가하면 풍미가 더해집니다.
· 원재료 : 쌀(국내산) 39.2%, 톳(국내산) 9.27%, 뿔소라(국내산) 4.73%, 정제수 40.8%, 소스류(만제요리장) 1%, 현미 0.5%, 찹쌀 0.5%, 찰흑미 0.5%, 늘보리 0.5%, 현미찹쌀 0.5%, 발아현미 0.5%, 발아흑미 0.5%, 납작보리 0.5%, 검정콩(서리태) 0.5%, 붉은팥 0.5%
· 간장 원재료: 해물혼합추출액{오징어족(국산), 정제소금(국산), 무, 굴, 가쓰오부시}, 본양조간장-N{양조간장-HO(탈지대두:인도산, 밀 : 미국산), 고과당, 정제소금(국산), 백설탕, 주정}, 정제수, 정제소금, 고과당, 저감미당, 발효주정, 나물밥용 조미베이스, 쏙추출액 함유 [대두, 밀, 우유, 오징어, 조개류(굴, 바지락) 함유]
· 내용량 : 즉석밥 210g + 요리장 8g
· 보관방법 : 실온(직사광선을 피하시고 서늘한 곳에 보관하시기 바랍니다)
· 조리방법 : 전자레인지 사용할 경우 (별도 포장된 간장소스 봉지를 떼어내고, 덮개필름을 살짝 뜯어서 1개 2분, 2개 3분 정도 데워서 드세요) 끓는 물에 데우는 경우 (별도 포장된 간장소스 봉지를 떼어내고, 끓는 물에 포장용기를 윗면으로 향하게 넣어 10분간 데웁니다. 뜨거우니 집게 등을 이용하여 꺼내세요.)
· 유통기한 : 제조일로부터 9개월 (수출용은 12개월)
· 주의사항 : 밥을 데우기 전에 반드시 간장봉지를 떼어내십시오. 가열된 용기는 매우 뜨거우므로 화상에 주의하십시오. 용기 내 침전된 물질은 양념류이므로 안심하고 드셔도 됩니다.


· Main Characteristics : Murex multi-grain rice is an instant rice that can be eaten simply and reliably by adding18 mixed grains including brown rice, glutinous rice and beans to natural murex and hijiki harvested by women divers of Jeju. Natural murex of Jeju has an abudance of taurine, and protects liver, helps to recover eyesight and prevent adult diseases. You can enjoy more flavor adding a little sesame oil or perilla seed oil. · Net Contents : Instant Rice 210g· Raw Material Names : Purified Water, Rice, Tot (Hijiki Seaweed), Green Rice, Brown Rice, Glutinous Rice, Black Glutinous Rice, Hulled Barely, Brown Glutinous Rice, Germinated Brown Rice, Germinated Black Rice, Flattened Barley, Green Kernel Black Bean, Red Bean, Kidney Bean, Glutinous Sorghum, Glutinous Millet, Red Rice, Black Rice, Black Bean, Pearl Barley [Contains : Barley (Gluten)]· Soy Sauce Material Names : Mixed Seafood Extract (Squid, Salt, Radish, Oyster, Katsuobushi {Bonito Flake}), Brewed Soy Sauce‐N (Defatted Soybean, Wheat, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Salt, Sugar, Spirit), Purified Water, Salt, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Low Sweet Sugar (Sweetener), Spirit, Seasoning Base Namulbap, Mugwort Extract [Contains: Soybean, Wheat, Barley 
(Gluten), Milk, Shellfish (Oyster, Clam), Mollusk (Squid), Fish (Bonito)]

· Heating Directions : Microwave Directions (Peel film to the dotted line, and microwave for 2 minutes. Note: Microwave cooking times may vary; directions based on 700W oven.)Boiling Water Directions (Put unopened container face up directly into boiling water and continue heating for 10 minutes.)
· Caution : Handle with care, container and contents are very hot after heating. Consume as soon as possible after opening.

· Expiry Date : 12 months from the date of manufacture.




Export Product Standard

Export Product Standard
(in kg)
Item Size(in mm) Packaging Box Size (in mm) CBM Packaging
width length height width length height
210G 135 135 35            
