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Food & Beverage

식품 추자참 멸치액젓 / Choojacham Anchovy Sauce


제품특성 추자참 멸치액젓은 5년 이상 숙성하여 짠맛은 덜하고 특유의 비린맛도 없어서 김장뿐만 아니라 각종 요리에 적용이 가능한 소스개념으로 사용할수 있는 만능소스입니다.


Product characteristics: Salted anchovy sauce of Chuja Cham has been aged for more than five years, so it is less salty and has no unique fishy taste, so it can be used as a "source" concept that can be applied not only to kimchi but also to various dishes.


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  • · Add : 제주특별자치도 제주시 추자면 대서5길 48-15 1층
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  • · email : thdns3943@naver.com
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ongjin Fisheries is a company that has been in the family business for two generations.

It is trying to break away from the image of salted anchovy fish and increase the aging period to more than five years so that customers can use it as a universal sauce.
