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아베베 유기농 어린이김/Abebe Organic kid’s seaweed
기업명주식회사 HNK
HNK Co., Ltd. was established in Jeju Island in 2017 to sell products of Korea’s competitive small and medium-sized enterprises to the international market.
Starting with Jeju Island’s specialty products in 2017, as of 2021, we are handling a variety of products from Chinese health and organic and functional foods to injection containers.
Trade and distribution, which started with young passion and spirit, have suffered many failures and losses, but have accumulated a lot of experience and human resources. We are launching and developing products through discussions from product consumer prices to packages with various local platform MDs and suppliers. Since the launch of the product, we have been working together to help the product survive locally through various methods, from offline promotions for communication with consumers to online promotions through infloors.
Of the many products, there are only a few that survive, but they are constantly knocking on the door of market formation by discovering and developing products.
Many competitive products in Korea do not comply with local import regulations, so they are not distributed as normal routes.
As the age of Untact due to coronavirus approaches, the company has recently opened an online B2B platform and reverse-purchase brand shop to break down existing offline-oriented fairs and local operations.
HNK Co., Ltd. provides Korean goods and distribution and marketing activities to the global market. As the world develops, there are more kinds of products and it is better to simplify the distribution process. We are always trying to make sure that the best products survive in the global market with minimal distribution.
원료: 유기농김100%
유통기한: 12개월
알레르기: 본제품은 갑각류가 함유될수 있습니다.
원산지: 한국
순중량: 24g(12g*12봉지)
박스규격: 24g*6세트
보관방법: 상온, 직사광선을 피해서 늘 한 곳에 보관하세요
맛있게 먹는 방법
1. 잘게 부수어서 면, 밥, 탕 종류에 넣어먹기
2. 김밥으로 싸먹거나 초밥으로 먹어도 되요
Organic kid's seaweed(Non seasoning)
Ingredients: Organic seaweed100%
Shelflife: 12months
Allergy: This product may contain crustaceans.
Country of origin: Republic of Korea
Net weight: 24g(12g*12packs)
Catron SIze: 24g*6sets
Storage method: Store at room temperature, in a cool place away from direct sunlight
한국, 중국, 미국 유기농 인증서, / Korean, China, The US organic certificate
Unit (in kg) |
Item Size(in mm) | Packaging | Box Size (in mm) | CBM | Packaging | ||||
width | length | height | width | length | height | ||||
24g | 270 | 90 | 280 | 535 | 300 | 280 | 0.45 | 1.38 |