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제주 고등어 Jeju mackerel
OLLEBADANG FISHERMAN'S UNION CORPORATION is a company that processes and distributes marine products. We directly process and produce aquatic products from Jeju Island and approach our customers directly at HANOLLE Brand. Certified by HACCP, we deliver safe quality food to our customers.
HANOLLE is a brand created to convey the warm custom of sharing hearty food with neighbors.
We will continue to strive to deliver clean Jeju seafood safely and freshly.
남녀노소 누구에게나 인기 많은 고등어. 불포화 방산과 DHA가 풍부하며 구이나 찜 등 다양한 요리에 사용하실 수 있어요. 청정해역 제주 연근해에서 어획한 품질 좋은 고등어만을 엄선하여 국내산 천일염으로 저염식 염장(0.5%이내) 하였답니다.
Marckerel is popular with anyone of all ages. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and DHA and can be used in various dishes such as grilled and steamed foods. Only high-quality mackerel caught in the clean sea of Jeju Island war carefully selected and low salt with domestic sea salt.
식품안전관리인증기준(HACCP)적용업소 인증서
수산물의 생상, 가공시설등록증
Food Safety System Certification 22000