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제주 옥돔 Jeju tilefish
OLLEBADANG FISHERMAN'S UNION CORPORATION is a company that processes and distributes marine products. We directly process and produce aquatic products from Jeju Island and approach our customers directly at HANOLLE Brand. Certified by HACCP, we deliver safe quality food to our customers.
HANOLLE is a brand created to convey the warm custom of sharing hearty food with neighbors.
We will continue to strive to deliver clean Jeju seafood safely and freshly.
맛이 뛰어나 예로부터 진상품으로 올려진 제주 옥돔은 구이나 찜, 국 등 다양한 요리에 사용하실 수 있어요. 흰 살 생선 중 가장 담백한 맛과 영양을 가지고 있으며, 지방질이 적고 단백질과 미네랄이 풍부하답니다.
제주바다의 신선함을 그대로 느낄 수 있는 제주 옥돔을 만나보세요.
Jeju tilefish is one of the best products for a long time. It has rich in protein, which is why they are the popular choice ingredient in various dishes such as grilled, steamed, and so on. It has the lightest taste and is full of nutrition, is low in fat, and is minerals. You can taste the freshness of Jeju sea bream.